Coaching, trainings and workshops

for easier work and life

Coaching & Mediation

Our mission:
Make your work and life easier.
Individual coaching and solution-focused work in Germany and internationally. Mediation as a building block for successful cooperation.

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Team training & seminars

Successful communication, conflict resolution, home office, vigilant leadership, work organization, time management and much more are topics that move the working world. We train teams, train managers and employees and provide smart solutions.

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The innovative Leadership Development Programme

Our program strengthens executives, connects them, turns them into courageous decision-makers who move the company forward. The talent management program ensures the best young executives.

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IDEAtion Workshops

A think tank for your company.
With creative processes, we accompany you like a kind of midwife and bring ideas to life. Together we develop visions, set milestones, overcome hurdles and help with the implementation through a large network, check and evaluate.

Start Co-Creativity >

Become a Quintessence® Coach

Become a certified Quintessence® Coach using the methods of Anita Maria Stogel. Benefit from our wealth of experience and let us train you holistically so that your clients can also gain more clarity. We offer this training exclusively in Germany and India.

Become a Quintessence Coach >

Moderation Plus+

Moderation for e.g. management conferences, strategy retreats, sales meetings.

Save resources and gain focus. Rely on our experience and look forward to the next major event with ease.

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Anita Maria Stogel is a business coach, trainer and key note speaker. After studying law in Munich and getting her MBA in Texas, she immersed herself in the world of international management. "During my successful years in the corporate world, I understood that it is only the human being who is the key to success: the human being and one's connection to oneself and one's connection to others."

Today, Anita Maria Stogel and her team at the Business Coaching Academy are a globally sought-after institution that supports companies and people in achieving goals more easily. The insights gained from thousands of coaching sessions, hundreds of team trainings and seminars are made available to clients and participants as a treasure trove for development.